Saturday, July 10, 2021

Lollygagging: The Road to Good Health and a Longer Life


The word lollygag has an unsavory reputation in a world of self-oppressed workaholics, and yet what a bewitching thought it conjures up! The hypnotic appeal of  aimlessly setting aside life's demands is powerful enough to convince even the most diehard workhorse to change his or her ways.

Lollygag is an Americanism with unknown origin dating back to the post Civil War era, 1860-1865, a time when very likely few people thought lollygagging a productive pastime. 

When I was a little girl, my mother was intent on making sure I was busy all the time. Her favorite expression was a warning, "Lollygagging around won't get the job done!" With all due respect to the woman I owe my life to, I'm going to suggest that the opposite holds more truth than she imagined. Lollygagging in my book is the key to living a healthier and longer life.

There is overwhelming evidence from the American Heart Association, the National Institutes of Health, and the World Health Organization as well as countless university scientists, including those in our own Houston, Texas Medical Center, that strongly indicates that the occurrence of cardiovascular disease (CVD) can be reduced by approximately 80% by making lifestyle changes. But let's look at the latest stats.

665,000 Americans (one in five deaths) die from heart disease each year. Compare that number to the UK: 63,000 a year, and to France: 120,000 heart attacks per year with 10% of victims dying within the hour. The prevalence of CVD in adults 20+ years of age and older is 49.2% overall and increases with age in both males and females.

According to the World Health Organization, approximately 17 million people die annually as a result of CVDs.

An alarming statistic is that high income countries have a CVD rate of 38%, while low/middle income countries have a CVD rate of 28%. 80% of deaths in high income countries occur among those over the age of 60 compared to 42% in low/middle income countries. The five countries with the highest rate of heart disease are, in order, China, India, Russia, the U. S., and Indonesia.

Cardiovascular disease is the single largest cause of death in developed countries. Why? Don't we have great medical care and enough food and proper living conditions? We do and we don't.

Here's why: Eating habits, lack of exercise, smoking, and work related stress. An American Heart Association 2021 update reports three leading causes of CVD: high body mass index, high risk of diabetes, and smoking.

So, my friends, is the art of lollygagging beginning to sound pretty good right about now? Perhaps lollygagging might have had a bad rap in the past, say up until the 1990s, but not any more. Workaholics, listen up.

Take note of the benefits of this guiltless relaxation:

1. Slowing heart rate

2. Lowering blood pressure/breathing rate

3. Improving digestion

4. Reducing activity of stress hormones

5. Increasing blood flow to major muscles

6. Reducing muscle tension and chronic pain

7. Having more time to learn how/what to eat and learn the art of eating slowly

But we already know this, don't we. So why don't we take care of the business of our health. not to mention the massive financial burden of illness and health care that is placed not only on the government but on individuals? We have a choice. Can we exchange our unhealthy habits for healthier ones? I believe we can, and when we do, not only will we prevent life threatening illness but we will also have greater peace of mind: reading more, engaging in hobbies and sports, spending more time with family and friends, enjoying the beauty of nature, devoting time (finally) to all the activities we refused to make time for before--church, the theatre, the symphony, a cooking course or two, a vacation.

I'm ready to get this lollygagging show on the road. How about you? It's a life or death decision. Choose life!

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